Why should I help?

Earthcare St Kilda is a not-for-profit organisation with over 180 volunteers dedicated to protecting the penguins. Every night of the year penguin guides educate the public and ensure visitors are behaving in the correct manner. Once a fortnight penguin researchers monitor the colony to ensure the population is healthy, investigate breeding success and remove entanglements and pollution from penguin nests. To do this, 4 teams of volunteers microchip, weigh and sex each penguin caught along the breakwater. Earthcare St Kilda also run other programs including a monthly breakwater clean up to remove rubbish from the St Kilda breakwater.

How can I help?

Donating any amount will assist us, but as a guide:

By donating $10 you can help Earthcare purchase one microchip so that we can identify one penguin (there are 1400 living in St Kilda).

By donating $15 you can help Earthcare purchase one high visibility vest for one penguin guide.

By donating $30 you can help Earthcare purchase equipment (vest, gloves, grabber, bag) for one volunteer to remove rubbish from the breakwater.

Please click the Stripe button below to donate

or pay your donation directly into our bank account:

Bank: Bendigo
Account: Earthcare of St Kilda
BSB: 633000
Account Number: 101369809

When making a donation please put ‘donation’ in the payment description

Thank you

Donations Policy

  1. Earthcare St Kilda is grateful for the support of our generous in-kind and financial donors. As a not-for-profit organisation, we rely on donations from the public, and we commit to use those donations efficiently.
  2. Earthcare St Kilda is independent and apolitical. We accept donations only for the purposes of Earthcare St Kilda; we will not allow any donation to dictate our positions and priorities, nor compromise our independence and dedication to our mission.
  3. Earthcare St Kilda may refuse or refund donations at any time.
  4. The acceptance of any donation by Earthcare St Kilda does not imply endorsement of other activities, undertakings or processes of the donor.
  5. Any donations solicited or accepted on behalf of the Earthcare St Kilda by its members must be used for Earthcare St Kilda endorsed activities.
  6. Any donations accepted on behalf of Earthcare St Kilda should be directed to the Earthcare St Kilda and not to individual members. They will be directly deposited into the Earthcare St Kilda bank account.