Friends of Elster Creek


Friends of Elster Creek hold a range of activities at Elster Creek and Elwood Canal, notice of these is given on this website, Friends of Elster Creek on Facebook and to Earthcare members via email:


The Waterwatch program was initiated in 1993 to enable the community to become involved in the monitoring and management of waterways in their catchment. Waterwatch aims to raise knowledge in the community about water issues and to encourage water quality monitoring groups to undertake constructive action. The Elster Creek Waterwatch team meets monthly to conduct water quality testing and the results are available here.


Friends of Elster Creek also has its own Facebook page so please take a look and ‘Like’ us to keep in touch with what’s happening at Elster Creek or share your Elster Creek experiences.

For further information, please email us.

Key aims:

  1. Protect, improve and expand areas of habitat for indigenous flora and fauna along Elster Creek.
  2. Generate educational opportunities for Elwood Primary School and the general public regarding biodiversity and conservation.
  3. Reduce the amount of pollution flowing into Port Phillip Bay.
  4. Improve the aesthetic appeal of Elster Creek.


  • Habitat creation and improvement
  • Education
  • Pollution reduction
  • Fauna Surveys
  • Reduce the impact of introduced species and overpopulated native species

Fauna Lists

Fauna lists can be accessed here.